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Easymotion Display Vscode
I was having the same problem, but I found a workaround. Mine had to do with my line-height setting. “editor.lineHeight”: 30,. Updating the “vim.easymotionMarkerHeight”: 30, to match made it better for me. You’re using custom fonts and things and might be different, but this may help a little.
Find Linux
find . \( \( \! -path "./vendor/*" \) -and \( -name "*.go" \) \)
Group List Python
list(zip(*[iter(sequence)] * chunk_size))
Tip Json Golang
Timer In Hammerspoon
timer 可能被 GC, 所以使用全局变量
今天又是虚度的一个白天, 那晚上就做点事情吧.
昨天塞尔达到3点多, 下次我要去求公主.
Escape Double Curly Brackets Jekyll
{{ ... }}
取第 K 小元素
方法1和2的代码, 以及时间复杂度的推算
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提 BUG 一定要把问题说清楚啊啊啊啊, 我写的 BUG 很多的, 你不说清楚我怎么知道是哪个呢