/ˌɪnkɑːˈneɪʃn; ˌɪnkɑr`neʃən/
n [C] person that prominently displays a particular quality (突出表现某种品质的)典型人物,化身
She is the very incarnation of goodness.
n [C,U] (instance of) being alive in human form 化身
the nine incarnations of Vishnu
He believed he had been a prince in a previous incarnation.
Makefile 中四种变量赋值的不同
Lazy Set
VARIABLE = value
当变量被用到的时候, 会递归的展开
Imeediate Set
VARIABLE := value
Set If Absent
VARIABLE ?= value
变量不存在的时候才赋值(也是lazy set)
VARIABLE += value
把value添加到已存在的变量后(如果变量不存在, 把value赋值给这个变量)
This is an obscurity that catches the unwary.
/əbˈskjʊərətɪ; əb`skjᴜrətɪ/
n U
state of being obscure 不明;费解;隐晦;无闻
content to live in obscurity
n C
thing that is obscure or indistinct 晦涩或不明的事物
a philosophical essay full of obscurity
target … : prerequisites … recipe … …
A target is usually the name of a file that is generated by a program; examples of targets are executable or object files. A target can also be the name of an action to carry out, such as ‘clean’ (see Phony Targets).
target(目标)通常是一个文件的名字并且是由接下来的recipe生成. 也可以是一个动作, 比如说clean. (参考Phony Targets)
A prerequisite is a file that is used as input to create the target. A target often depends on several files.
一个prerequisite(先决条件)就是目标的一个输入. 经常来说, 一个目标依赖多个先决条件. (译者注: 但实际上, 先决条件不仅仅可以是一个文件, 也可以是另外的target, 是链式依赖的)
A recipe is an action that make carries out. A recipe may have more than one command, either on the same line or each on its own line. Please note: you need to put a tab character at the beginning of every recipe line! This is an obscurity that catches the unwary. If you prefer to prefix your recipes with a character other than tab, you can set the .RECIPEPREFIX variable to an alternate character (see Special Variables).
Usually a recipe is in a rule with prerequisites and serves to create a target file if any of the prerequisites change. However, the rule that specifies a recipe for the target need not have prerequisites. For example, the rule containing the delete command associated with the target ‘clean’ does not have prerequisites.
A rule, then, explains how and when to remake certain files which are the targets of the particular rule. make carries out the recipe on the prerequisites to create or update the target. A rule can also explain how and when to carry out an action. See Writing Rules.
A makefile may contain other text besides rules, but a simple makefile need only contain rules. Rules may look somewhat more complicated than shown in this template, but all fit the pattern more or less.
Makefile 简介
make需要一个Makefile, Makefile告诉make如何编译和链接.
这章会讨论一个简单的makefile, 描述了如何编译和链接一个文本编辑器程序,此程序由8个C文件和3个头文件组成.
make重新编译程序的时候, 会保证每一个有新变化的C文件被重新编译, 如果头文件有变动, 每个包含这个头文件的C文件也需要重新编译. 每个编译会生成一个对象文件, 然后再把所有对象文件链接生成新的可执行程序.
|ˈresəpi| n
~ (for sth) set of instructions for preparing food dish, including ingredients required. 烹饪法;食谱 [做定语]
recipe books, cards
~ for sth (fig 比喻) method of achieving sth 方法;秘诀;诀窍
what is your recipe for success?
His plans are a recipe for disaster.
how to write go code
看了https://golang.org/doc/code.html, 觉得主要是讲了关于golang的Lib组织形式, 简单记录一下.
本文描述了获取,构造和安装Go包以及Go工具的标准方法. go tool(就是go这个命令, 下面包含build run等命令)需要把你的代码按一定的格式组织起来.
- 一般来说, 所有的Go代码都放在一个单独的workspace
- 一个workspace包含多个版本控制仓库
- 每个仓库里面包括一个或者多个packages
- 一个package包含一个或者多个Go源代码, 这些源代码需要在一个单独的目录下面
- package的路径决定了它的import path
一个workspace是这样一个目录结构, 包括下面三个子目录:
- src 包含Go的源码
- pkg 包含packagecfqj
- bin 包含可执行命令
go tool会build源码, 然后把结构安装到pkg和bin目录下.
GOPATH环境变量定义的你的workspace位置. 它是你需要的惟一一个环境变量. 它一定不能Go的安装路径使用同一个目录.
$ mkdir $HOME/work $ export GOPATH=$HOME/work
为了方便, 可以把bin子目录放在PATH变量下
$ export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
import path
import path是能惟一确认package路径的字符串.
标准库的路径都是一个短路径, 像fmt, net/http. 你自己的代码, 需要选一个基础路径, 尽量不要和以后的标准库或者其他的第三方库有冲突.
比如说可以用 github.com/user做为基础路径, 在workspace下面新建一个目录存放你的源码.
在workspace目录下, 新建一个package目录做为package path.
$ mkdir $GOPATH/src/github.com/user/hello
下一步, 在这个目录下创建一个hello.go:
package main import "fmt" func main() { fmt.Printf("Hello, world.\n") }
$ go install github.com/user/hello
注意, 你可以在任意路径下运行这个命令, go会自己找到的. 如果你已经在包目录下面了, 直接跑 go install 也可以.
$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/user/hello $ go install
让我们来写一个库, 并在hello中调用它
同样的, 先选一个package路径, 在这里我们用github.com/user/stringutil.
$ mkdir $GOPATH/src/github.com/user/stringutil
在这个路径下创建go文件, reverse.go
// Package stringutil contains utility functions for working with strings. package stringutil // Reverse returns its argument string reversed rune-wise left to right. func Reverse(s string) string { r := []rune(s) for i, j := 0, len(r)-1; i < len(r)/2; i, j = i+1, j-1 { r[i], r[j] = r[j], r[i] } return string(r) }
现在可以build了(好像没什么用, 就是测试一下是不是能编译)
$ go build github.com/user/stringutil
不会生成任何文件. 如果来
go install
, 可以在pkg目录下生成package对象.我们在hello中引用它, 修改$GOPATH/src/github.com/user/hello/hello.go
package main import ( "fmt" "github.com/user/stringutil" ) func main() { fmt.Printf(stringutil.Reverse("!oG ,olleH")) }
安装hello, 同时它的依赖(stringutil)也会被安装.
$ go install github.com/user/hello
Package names
package name
在这里, name就是这个包被引用用的名字,一个包里面的所有文件都必须用同一个名字.
包名需要是引用路径的最后一个元素, 如果包被引用为srypto/rto13, 包名则应该是rto13.
一个二进制文件中引用的包, 并不要求它们的名字不一样, 但是完整路径肯定不能相同.
See Effective Go for tips on writing clear, idiomatic Go code.
(a) in accordance with the particular nature or structure of a language, dialect, etc 符合某一语言或者方言的习惯或者特点的She speaks fluent and idiomatic French. 她说得一口又流利又地道的法语.
(b) containing an idiom or idoms 含有习语的
an idiomatic expression, language 固定词组,成语多的语言.
Use parent-child relationships sparingly, and only when there are many more children than parents.
adv 节俭地 ‹spend›; 量少地 ‹eat›; 谨慎地 ‹praise›
to use something sparingly
she gives her advice sparingly
接上午的问题 O_CLOEXEC, execve呢, 就是exec系列函数中的一个,具体可以参见Unix环境高级编程第二版8.10节.
当进程调用一种exec函数时, 该进程执行的程序完全替换成新进程,而新程序则从其main函数开始执行. 因为exec并不创建新进程,所以前后的进程ID并未改变. exec只是用一个全新的程序替换了当前进程的正文,数据,堆和栈段.
貌似, 一般来说, exec会在folk之后调用. 为了让例子看起来更简单, 我就在当前程序中调用exec. 测试的大概流程是这样.
先不带O_CLOEXEC这个参数, 打开一个文件. 然后再exec一个sleep程序, sleep 10秒.
程序运行时, 新开一个shell拿lsof观察被打开的文件, 是否被占用.如果不带O_CLOEXEC参数打开文件, 在exec之后, 这个文件使用被占用.
如果带O_CLOEXEC参数打开文件, exec之后, 文件就不再被占用了.
#include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <fcntl.h> int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { int fd = open("cloexec.c",O_RDWR); printf("%d\n",fcntl(fd, F_GETFD, FD_CLOEXEC)); sleep(5); execl("/tmp/cloexec/sleep",(char *)0); return 0; }
#include <unistd.h> #include <stdio.h> int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { sleep(5); printf("sleep done\n"); return 1; }